Ana Raspini is a traveler, besides being an English teacher, and a writer.

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Brasileira, professora de Inglês, escritora, mas acima de tudo, viajante.
Lyrical Travel Journal

A personal, slightly lyrical, point of view on the places I have been to.

terça-feira, 14 de abril de 2015


Landing at Santos Dumont Airport is an adventure, but also a delight. Be it for the fear or for the beauty, there will be shivers down the spine. To see, from up there, such unique geography promised by the television is memorable.
Seeing how such natural beauty walks side by side with such urban occupation is impressive. More impressive still, is observing the banality with which cariocas treat such beauty.
We, outsiders, think that there can’t possibly be sadness in a place like this, that a long face would be a true sin when you look outside the window and see the Sugar Loaf. However, cariocas allow themselves long faces and bad moods, especially if they need to serve others. Cariocas were not born to serve, not a piece of bread, not even lobster.
Nature is, without a doubt, the city’s protagonist, but the carioca also thinks s/he is worthy of an Oscar. The mountains are astonishing, and they are always there, like a frame, being the beach the center of the masterpiece. There will always be someone exercising by the shore in this artistic performance which is the carioca and his/her landscape.
The beaches have their own personality. Every attitude of the tide, of the sand, of the breeze, brings a different type of visitor. However, every local knows where their friends meet. And they meet there every day. “Weekday” is just a term, right?
boteco, cold beer or a caipirinha make every bohemian happy. Add something deep fried to that mixture and you get a tourist who doesn’t want the night to end.
The sun sets on the mountain this time, not on the ocean. Earth’s rotational dance makes every sunset unique. The lights of the houses at the favela turn up and shed a light on Ipanema. Or is it Ipanema that sheds a light on the favela?
Rio is like a Bossa Nova song: a careless joy, because it is really unnecessary to complicate life.

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